Sunday, December 9, 2007

Would Carrie Bradshaw Blog? My growing anticipation of the Sex and The City Movie.

For a few days, it seems that wherever I look and whoever I talk to, one thing is on people's minds. These people (numerous actual friends and also Perez Hilton and other fabulous sites) have directed to checkout the Sex and The City Move trailer. I tried as hard as I could to distract myself from this much anticipated and much hyped video, but I just couldn't stay away.

Then I started thinking...
Would Carrie Bradshaw Blog?

She could quite possibly be one of the LEAST computer savvy people portrayed on 90's TV, (lets not forget she taught a whole generation of people the importance of backing up their work!) but we still love her anyway. I think her column would be well translated to the blogosphere because of her clear, and honest voice. I think that once she stepped back and slipped out of her manolo blahniks and learned about a few new computer tricks, Carry Bradshaw would be a wonderful blogger.

As I started thinking about this, I came across some rather hilarious websites, not only devoted to S&TC, but to this Carrie Bradshaw character herself. My question is do the women (I assume) who write these blogs realize that all they are really doing is just expanding the S&TC brand? This site was too good to skip over. Basically its a faux campaign page to make Carrie Bradshaw the next president of the US. I'm certainly not gonna claim to be any political junkie, but seriously, do we need to go to these lows? Have we falled this low as a people? It's entertaining, but do we need to actually Suggest that fictitious people are best served to be our president?

This is just too much "Ladies and gentlemen, there's a new party in town...and it's hot! Vote Carrie Bradshaw for a more stylish America!"
I mean, sure character blogs are cute, but this is just too much!

So: Here ya go... And don't feel bad, I couldn't resist either!

until next time.

Monday, December 3, 2007

Things I learned over thanksgiving...

It's been a long time since my last post, and that just shows you how even a new online "social media butterfly" can get lost.
(has anyone ever used that term?)
In my case, I got really lost (I was in a musical review spectacular this past weekend, and had over 24 hours of practice from last Monday through Thursday!) but rest assured, I AM BACK!

With my brand new header (what do you think of it!?!), and some really interesting ideas written down on my stickies (thank god for that application) I am back in action!
Well, until finals takes over my life.
But I'm a PR major, and I can always find some time to throw a post down here or there.

So here is my much anticipated post that I have been thinking about for almost 2 weeks:
What I learned over Thanksgiving Break.

Now. First understand that since my grandparents and aunt, uncle and cousin live in Florida, and I am from NY - we have created a new thanksgiving family tradition where we fly someplace REALLY warm for break... this year, it was MEXICO.

Although I do regret not being able to watch the Macy's Parade, see fabulous clips of Broadway Musicals (Xanado needs your support) or eat stuffing and cranberry sauce (I'm a vegetarian!) its definitely worth it for some sun and relaxation.

My T-giving 2007 -- CANCUN STYLE.

1. I learned that I don't like poultry dead or alive. They had live turkeys outside one of the restaurants leading up to Wednesday's festive meal. This really really freaked me out. ugh.

2. Even though everyone thinks their family is crazy, mine also is (rest assured) but they are also pretty cool.

How many people can say that they have discussed social media with their grandparents? What's even more scary -- my grandfather gets it! He understands facebook. Interestingly, he only sees facebook as a tool for younger people. But the truth is, how many people are on facebook who are older then 75? Not many... but my college-aged cousin was apprehensive about adults being on facebook and even more freaked out about employers being on. Personally, I welcome anyone to facebook with open arms -- its all about personal branding... and once you know me, you'll agree, I'm pretty damn marketable.

But back to social media
My family (I'm talking adults aka my parents in their 50's) were also interested in social media for their generation specifically.
Which I thought was totally interesting.
Such an interesting place were in right now.

3. Before break, I needed a nice light read for the pool/airplane and decided to head to my local Barnes And Noble to pick out something. Once I came across this title, I knew that I had to have "Bright Lights, Big Ass" Because what grabs my attention more then the words Big Ass? -- a big red handbag! What was seriously amazing, was that this book was not only hilarious, (which it most certainly was) but the author's voice really reminded me of myself. Has this ever happened to anyone before? I felt that while I was reading her book, these events were actually happening to me because this type of ridiculousness happens all the time.

and then I realized the scarier part.
I always joke that my life is so ridiculous and crazy, and that I wanna make a TV show out of it. (my other life goal) this book -- is totally what the show is gonna be like. Oh dear god... I hope they don't make it into a TV show before my show can get going. (yea, sure)

Sorry for the very long post, and if you got through this - then thank you for listening to my constant ramble.
and please note that I'm more then glad to be back on the blogosphere.