Saturday, April 12, 2008

Bloggers: What are you listening to? How are you feeling?

For my Mass Communication Research class, my final project is focused on college-age student's blog readership habits.
My group has started doing a lot of research and the results we are finding are startling and scary. (but more on that later)

However, what we have quickly learned is that our generation used to blog before they even knew what blogging was.
cue the music please: ENTER LIVEJOURNAL

Live journal was this great tool that many high school and middle school students were using (circa 2002!) to stay connected to friends and update them on cool things going on. Not only did it serve as a micro community, where you could connect to your friends, and see what other people were doing, but for a melo-dramatic HS student (as so many are) it was an awesome place just to vent.

My friend and I were talking about livejournal the other day and she reminded me of a cool feature called "Current Mood Current Music?"

At first we laughed at this idea because seriously, Is there anything more childish than listing your mood on a blog? Like how much more punk'ed out, melodramatic could this idea be? But then we thought about the idea of sharing your feelings. Sure we share ideas and feelings on our blogs today, but LJ gives us a a medium to spread an EXACT message.

What I remember being obsessed with was the music choices.
I loved starting posts with the following musical-theater-obsessed album art: some popular shows and rare geeky gems.

Sure, this might seem childish.. but its kind of a cute idea...
Oh and what I'm listening to / watching right now: ( I guess I've sort of grown up!)


Holly said...

I still have my LJ account with entries dating back to 2002. before that, I used xanga, waiting on a friend to finally earn his LJ codes and send one my way. My first entries are hilarious, and it is so interesting to see how much people have grown through their journal or blog entries.

Very cool project idea. My team has been researching Honda hybrids.

Anonymous said...

Hello. This post is likeable, and your blog is very interesting, congratulations :-). I will add in my blogroll =). If possible gives a last there on my blog, it is about the TV de LCD, I hope you enjoy. The address is A hug.

Angela said...

I was on "diary-x" for about 5 years. Then the server crashed and lost EVERYONE'S diaries. It was horrible. I felt like I'd lost a part of myself. :(