Sunday, January 6, 2008

A New Year... A New You? (Will My Social Media Obsession Continue?)

Happy New Year.
How is it already January 6th?
I can't believe that its been nearly a month since my last post.
And as you can imagine, I have plenty to say.

1. My social media wrap-up from last semester.
I guess due to finals and then leaving for winter break I never had an opportunity to do a "look at me did I get here" post. The truth is that if you had asked me 6 months ago, I never would have guessed that I would be involved in this community. I have enjoyed learning and adapting social media into my life and my everyday routine (thank you google reader). I think that what I took away most from the class last semester was not only the friends that I made (old and new), the ability to share what I have learned , but most importantly this wonderful, smart and engaging community that I appreciate and look up to.

Now, I did say something here about being involved in this community, and I sort of feel cheap saying that. The truth is that I am not as involved as I could be. Or as I want to be. So this leads me to my next section.

2. Happy New Year... Now what's my resolution?

Like most people, I often make a little resolution for myself. Sometimes that means better organization, not just saying I will, but actually cleaning my room, or of course the infamous hitting the gym more frequently. But this year, due to my social media obsession my resolution is gonna be TWITTER.

The thing is, I need to be more active in this community. I don't think that updating my blog is enough. The problem most frequently is that I don't actually have enough time to do everything I want to, but that is why I am saying it right here right now. I want to get more involved.

(well see if it happens... but I usually am pretty true to my word... except for the cleaning my room... but its not that bad!)

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