Sunday, October 21, 2007

Marketing, Samples and Sunshine, Oh my!

WHat do I like more then interactive marketing and free food?
Not much more.

This past weekend was Boston's Head of The Charles Regatta.

Please understand that I was in no way inclined to watch the regatta. Sure the crewing is very exciting and all, but big sponsored Row A Palooza -- really caught my attention.

There are about 40 companies that come and just hand out free stuff. Be it ice cream, coffee, chips or juice. Sure, all these little samples were delious. What I thought was very interesting about these samples, is that most of them were products I wouldn't choose to try. So duh, as customers and organizations, don't we just love sampling!

But heres what really got me thinking...
Kashi, Gillete, Best Buy and Nokia had unbelievable tents set up to not only sample a product, but really become one with the brand. I think that is what has made these companies (especially Kashi) so popular and credible.

But, Gilette's booth took it even a step farther. I took a picture in the booth, created my own music, and even passed up a free shave!
All this hoopla and I was engaging with the product for almost 15 minutes. You couldnt buy that kind of brand integration anywhere.
So interesting and so cool! Good Job Gillete!

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